Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hello! My name is Ben, and i will be telling you about the Comanche, a very brave and powerful indian group. Some people who inspired this idea were named Caden, Annie, Catie, and Noah.

The Comanche are a very powerful Indian group. Their home is a kind of tent called a teepee. It is a tent that is easy to build and take down that is made from buffalo skins and wooden poles, and has a fire inside. It has a hole on the top for smoke to escape. A single family lives in a teepee. There! We have talked about the Comanche's home. Let's talk about their food. The Comanche had lots of buffalo, so that is what they eat. The men are the hunters, and they bring food back to the family. Then, they use the fire in the teepee to cook their meat. There are other uses for buffalo, and we will be getting to that soon. Ok! Let's talk about their weather now. It is typically hot, and in the winter, it is normally about 62 degrees. Now, let's talk about  their weapons. They used alot of weapons like bow and arrow, sword, metal hatchets, stone clubs and spears. In wars, they rode on horses so they were faster then by foot. They had dances and potlatches, a feast that lasts for several days.

Well, there you are! There will be an update to this soon! I hope you enjoyed it! UPDATE NEWS: Clothes facts will be added, and MAYBE a new post and land facts.

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